Dubai Tower
This project was presented for the tall emblem competition in Dubai. Our premise for the design of the tower is the concept of identity, Because of the iconic character of the project, it will transmit an image that represents the character of Dubai. For this purpose our project has its origins in elements from the very roots of the Arab world: the symbolism of the desert and the rotational movement of the universe which is present in the dances, calendar, religion and other cultural manifestations as an element of transformation and evolution. The tower is the representation of the transformation of Dubai originated by the action of two forces (east and west) that interact around a central axis (the arab culture) pointing to the sky.
The project originates from a desert formation (the podium) conformed by a structural mesh that creates the spaces to incorporate the activities required in the program.This formation integrates the design to the surrounding landscape of walkways and boulevards. Two opposite forces, representing the east and the west impact the podium in a combined dynamic, producing the mesh to raise from the ground in undulating planes ascending to the sky in a rhythmical interlacing way. Because of the characteristics of the project and the context, we propose the tower to be a structure to be experienced, rather than being admired. For this reason the ascending planes will work as an vertical extension of the walkways in the park.